Creating Forms-Based Authentication for
Claims-Based SharePoint 2010 Web Applications Using ASP.NET SQL Membership and
Role Providers
Step 4: Configuring a Membership and Role Provider for the SharePoint Central Administration
Step 1: Create a New Web Application
Step 2: Create database for Asp.Net membership and role provider
Step 3: Configuring a Membership and Role Provider for
the SharePoint Web Application
Step 4: Configuring a Membership and Role Provider for the SharePoint Central Administration
Step 5: Configuring a Membership and Role Provider for
the SharePoint Web Services
Step 6: Create Users and Groups
Step 7: Testing Forms Based Authentication
1:Create a New Web Application
Go to
Central Admin->Application Management->Manage Web Applications
ribbon select “New”
“Authentication” section select “Claims Based Authentication”
“IIS Web Site” section select “Create a new IIS Web Site”
Port change port number to 11111(e.g)
changes to SharePoint – 11111
Claims Authentication Types “Enable Windows Authentication
“ and “Integrated Windows Authentication”
“ and “Integrated Windows Authentication”
“NTLM” from dropdown
Forms Based Authentication (FBA)”
Membership provider name”
provide “aspnetmembership”
Role manager name” provide “aspnetrolemanager”
Application Pool section select Create new Application Pool
•Name changes to SharePoint – 11111
Configurable select Managed Account
Database Name and Authentication check Database server details and change the
database name to WSS_Content_11111(Note:
can be changed as per requirement)
Authentication should be Windows